Research Papers
Clinimetrics of the Functional Rating Index (AJP 2008)
Expanding Panjabis Stability Model (Med Hypoth 2013)
Global Screening and Measurement Concept (Sth Af. J PT Dec 2006 62(4) 2-7)
Letter to Ed RE Linton OMPQ-10 (Spine 2011)
Letter to Ed Re Swanenburg et al German Version NDI (Man Ther Nov 2013)
LLFI Development and Clinimetrics (PTJ 92-1 2012)
LLFI letter to editor& Authors Response (PTJ 2012 p181-183)
LLFI letter to editor& Authors Response (PTJ 2012 p184)
LLFI Development and Clinimetrics (PTJ 92-1 2012) E-Appendices
NDI-Confirmatory factor analysis General neck population shows 1-factor (TSJ 2013)
Orebro Screening Questionnaire in LBP (Euro Spine J 2011 20 (3) 449-457)
Orebro Screening Questionnaire Short form-12 (Man Ther 2013 18 378-385)
Orebro Screening Questionnaire in Gen Pop (Man Ther 2012 17 544-565)
Predicting WAD Impairment using Screening & Outcomes IJRR 2008 31(1) 79-80
SFI Validation and Clinimetric properties (The SPINE J 2014 In Press)
ULFI as 3-point Scale improve clinimetric properties JHT 23(1) 41-52 2010
ULFI Development and Validation (JHT 2006 19-3 328-49)
Slackline quads activationManuscript Submission FINAL Nov 2 SINGLE DOC
Slacklining APA Sports Physio Magazine Oct 2013
Shortening PROs (Phys Ther Rev 2009 221-226)
Slacklining for Lower Limb Rehab (Int J Ath Training & Ther 2013 July p14-19)
Swimmers – Parasympathetic Activty and Fatigue- Chalencon et al Plos One 7-12 e52636 – 2012